Thursday, 2 February 2017

Going to University is a life changing experience. The University environment necessarily yield to development In students, their mindset, thoughts,opinio
ns,and as well help to reshape and discover themselves. For some people it might be their first time of living independently, but as the case may be, whether or not it's their first time, students have to manage with aspects of life such as money, accommodation, health, relationship, family and their future career. This can however be overwhelming and demanding, especially when the unexpected arises. Students are expected to meet personal challenges inappropriately at times of study, but this must be managed as students, even those who win have their bad days.
The weight of University in Our Nigerian society can't be overlooked, it's believed that going to University is the paramount to succeed and attain heights. But being in the University and infuriated by the challenges, you will tend to ask yourself "Why do I have to go to the University? " at least those who do not go to school are successful. Even with graduates, who bagged good grades still out, looking for jobs.
The University Adventure encapsulates the challenges of a boy, a University fresher to be precised as he sought to be one of the best.
Where do you think you are going? Echoed the lecturer,with all students facing back, captioning their attention. It was one of the freshers, a course mate of mine. The whole hall went silent..... So the adventure begin....................